Markets React to Terror Attack (GLD, $VIX)

Model Notes: The markets struggle to deal with the effects of the terror attack on France. So how did the models fare? The gold model had us on the sidelines and this is a pretty good read for a turbulent,  news-oriented period of trading. The VIX model was caught off-guard (i.e. short) but after three trading days, Wednesday’s closing price is very close to the sell signal TSP. Barring more surprises, the future looks hopeful.

Featured market rotation: VIX for November (looking for a starting signal now). Brazilian real for December. S&P for January. Gold is currently non-rotational.

Model Portfolio Signals: (Gold) Flat Signal= 11/03 (TSP=105.97), (VIX) Sell=11/06 (TSP=16.52)

Note: TSP is calculated by using the closing price of the trading day after the signal day.

Nonlinear Trading Themes:

  • CTM151118gGold: GLD managed to push below the 104 support area but the technicals are oversold and thus not particularly bearish for the near-term future. If the market has dropped 15 trading days, don’t the next 15 to be the same. The model gold portfolio signal is still flat.
  • CTM151118vVIX (Nov. Featured Market): The surprise Islamic extremist attack on France has introduced more risk in the market, thus moving the VIX up. So now what? The models indicate that the Nov 13 trading high is probably the zenith of the near-term trading range. The model VIX portfolio remains short.

Note: Technical analysis comments are based on interpretations of non-linear trading models, combined with chart price action.

Premium offers:

  • I am now offering a more a la carte fee system for CTM research. Purchasers can now mix and match signals on various symbols that are currently available. Click on the ‘Fees’ tab for more info.
  • With deflationary forces becoming more dominant, top level, successful, investment strategies are going to become more reliant on ‘activity’ (trading). Check out for trading signals that help!
  • Remember: Nonlinear trading analysis is “insider knowledge” (non-apparent) for standard technical analysis.
  • The post-mortem for the US dollar has been posted. To view it select the “Forex” tab on

GH Garrett – Veteran Market Watcher for  © 2015, “Nonlinear signals that matter in gold trading.”

VIX Sell TSP is Good ($VIX)

Model Notes: The VIX signal starts out with a sell short TSP of 16.52 (highest closing price of approx. 3 weeks) and that is very good. If stocks can hold these level, the VIX could find itself on the ropes. This model is in sync. And Gold? The 10/20 sell (TSP 111.73, GLD basis) and then covering with a TSP of 105.97 is a very respectable profit for a two-week trade. So this model is also in sync.

Featured market rotation: VIX for November (looking for a starting signal now). Brazilian real for December. S&P for January. Gold is currently non-rotational.

Model Portfolio Signals: (Gold) Flat Signal= 11/03 (TSP=105.97), (VIX) Sell=11/06 (TSP=16.52)

Note: TSP is calculated by using the closing price of the trading day after the signal day.

Nonlinear Trading Themes:

  • CTM151111gGold: The yellow metal is oversold and the GLD is finding support around the 104 level. Being flat is the correct position. It is too oversold to short and the last 4 trading days has not yet formed a bottom substantial enough to buy. The model gold portfolio signal is still flat.
  • CTM151111vVIX (Nov. Featured Market): We now have this market in play. The 11/06 sell signal and the TSP of 16.52 gives us the first round. If the S&P can hold here, we could easily see a resulting VIX drop to the 13 level (a respectable profit). The model VIX portfolio remains short.

Note: Technical analysis comments are based on interpretations of non-linear trading models, combined with chart price action.

Premium offers:

  • I am now offering a more a la carte fee system for CTM research. Purchasers can now mix and match signals on various symbols that are currently available. Click on the ‘Fees’ tab for more info.
  • With deflationary forces becoming more dominant, top level, successful, investment strategies are going to become more reliant on ‘activity’ (trading). Check out for trading signals that help!
  • Remember: Nonlinear trading analysis is “insider knowledge” (non-apparent) for standard technical analysis.
  • The post-mortem for the US dollar has been posted. To view it select the “Forex” tab on

GH Garrett – Veteran Market Watcher for  © 2015, “Nonlinear signals that matter in gold trading.”

VIX Sell, Here We Go! ($VIX)

Model Notes: VIX triggers a sell, first entry signal for the feature market for November. The volatility index has been stagnant for 3-weeks. Now non-linear analysis calls for lower values ahead.  And gold? The last trade was very profitable. Now the yellow metal models are searching for a new opportunity.

Featured market rotation: VIX for November (looking for a starting signal now). Brazilian real for December. S&P for January. Gold is currently non-rotational.

Model Portfolio Signals: (Gold) Flat Signal= 11/03 (TSP=105.97), (VIX) Sell=11/06 (TSP=waiting for the next closing trade)

Note: TSP is calculated by using the closing price of the trading day after the signal day.

Nonlinear Trading Themes:

  • CTM151107gGold: The 10/20 – 11/03 signal was a very good trade. The yellow metal continues to push lower despite being technically oversold. The model gold portfolio signal is still flat.
  • CTM151107vVIX (Nov. Featured Market): We got an entry signal (sell) based on Friday’s data. The market has been in trading range for three weeks. Indications are for lower prices. This should be a plus for the current S&P rally. The model VIX portfolio is now short..

Note: Technical analysis comments are based on interpretations of non-linear trading models, combined with chart price action.

Premium offers:

  • I am now offering a more a la carte fee system for CTM research. Purchasers can now mix and match signals on various symbols that are currently available. Click on the ‘Fees’ tab for more info.
  • With deflationary forces becoming more dominant, top level, successful, investment strategies are going to become more reliant on ‘activity’ (trading). Check out for trading signals that help!
  • Remember: Nonlinear trading analysis is “insider knowledge” (non-apparent) for standard technical analysis.
  • The post-mortem for the US dollar has been posted. To view it select the “Forex” tab on

GH Garrett – Veteran Market Watcher for  © 2015, “Nonlinear signals that matter in gold trading.”

11/03 Exit signal, 11/04 TSP, Sweet! (GLD)


11/03 Exit signal, 11/04 TSP, Sweet!  (GLD)

Model Notes: The gold model is flat with a TSP of 105.97 (good!). The previous 10/07 exit long was positive too. The gold model is in sync. On the VIX side, we are still flat and waiting for a signal. The good news is the VIX status is positive for stocks.

Featured market rotation: VIX for November (looking for a starting signal now). Brazilian real for December. S&P for January. Gold is currently non-rotational.

Model Portfolio Signals: (Gold) Flat Signal= 11/03 (TSP=105.97), (Vix) Flat, waiting for signal.

Note: TSP is calculated by using the closing price of the trading day after the signal day.

Nonlinear Trading Themes:

  • CTM151105gGold: The 10/20 – 11/03 signal was a very good trade. The yellow metal is now oversold. Downside potential is slight and there is no indication of reversal. Flat is great. The model gold portfolio signal is still flat.
  • CTM151103vVIX (Nov. Featured Market): Still waiting. A flat Vix is salubrious for stocks to advance.

Note: Technical analysis comments are based on interpretations of non-linear trading models, combined with chart price action.

Premium offers:

  • I am now offering a more a la carte fee system for CTM research. Purchasers can now mix and match signals on various symbols that are currently available. Click on the ‘Fees’ tab for more info.
  • With deflationary forces becoming more dominant, top level, successful, investment strategies are going to become more reliant on ‘activity’ (trading). Check out for trading signals that help!
  • Remember: Nonlinear trading analysis is “insider knowledge” (non-apparent) for standard technical analysis.
  • The post-mortem for the US dollar has been posted. To view it select the “Forex” tab on

GH Garrett – Veteran Market Watcher for  © 2015, “Nonlinear signals that matter in gold trading.”

Gold Model Exits Short (Nice Move!) (GLD)

Model Notes: The gold model issued an exit the short signal. This proved to be a lucrative trade based on the previous short signal (10/20 , TSP= 111.73). Additionally to making money, there were a couple of nice nuances.  First, after the sell signal, the market did not melt away, so the trader had five days to actually enter  the position before the breakdown. Secondly, the exit signal comes on a down day, providing a positive backdrop for closing the trade out.  How about the VIX? The models are flat (waiting for an entry). So is there any news? A flat volatility reading at a relative low level is positive for stocks.

Featured market rotation: VIX for November (looking for a starting signal now). Brazilian real for December. S&P for January. Gold is currently non-rotational.

Model Portfolio Signals: (Gold) Flat Signal= 11/03 (TSP=waiting), (Vix) Flat, waiting for signal.

Note: TSP is calculated by using the closing price of the trading day after the signal day.

Nonlinear Trading Themes:

  • CTM151103gGold: Gold experienced a precipitous drop and the models are now indicating to exit the short trade. GLD is now near support so the exit signal has some technical underpinning. The model gold portfolio signal is now flat..
  • CTM151103vVIX (Nov. Featured Market): We are still waiting for an entry signal of some sort. I have some indication of a solution later in the week. The current reading is helpful for the S&P 500 rally.

Note: Technical analysis comments are based on interpretations of non-linear trading models, combined with chart price action.

Premium offers:

  • I am now offering a more a la carte fee system for CTM research. Purchasers can now mix and match signals on various symbols that are currently available. Click on the ‘Fees’ tab for more info.
  • With deflationary forces becoming more dominant, top level, successful, investment strategies are going to become more reliant on ‘activity’ (trading). Check out for trading signals that help!
  • Remember: Nonlinear trading analysis is “insider knowledge” (non-apparent) for standard technical analysis.
  • The post-mortem for the US dollar has been posted. To view it select the “Forex” tab on

GH Garrett – Veteran Market Watcher for  © 2015, “Nonlinear signals that matter in gold trading.”

Gold Breaks Down (GLD)

Model Notes: The gold model is short and the gold market broke down, with the GLD closing near the previous exit TSP. So the yellow metal model is in good shape. Bonds (the featured October market) proved to have a more challenging time. The TLO didn’t drop after the late-Sept sell and the only other action was a late-Oct buy that was not terrible (TSP was on a down day for the entry and the final trading day was positive) but not profitable on the outset. I will do a post-mortem shortly. I plan to do more model work in this area and have scheduled a rematch for March.

Featured market rotation: Bonds for October (waving goodbye)  VIX for November (looking for a starting signal now). Brazilian real for December. S&P for January. Gold is currently non-rotational.

Model Portfolio Signals: (Gold) Short= 10/20 (TSP=111.73), (Bonds/TLO) Buy =10/27 (TSP= 71.68)

Note: TSP is calculated by using the closing price of the trading day after the signal day.

Nonlinear Trading Themes:

  • CTM151030gGold: The yellow metal broke below the 111 (GLD basis) support level. Next stop 107? The model gold portfolio is still short.
  • CTM151030bBonds (Oct. Featured Market): We are waving good-bye to this area. I had hoped for more signal activity. I plan to visit this area (with model enhancements) in rematch for March.
  • CTM151030vVIX (Nov. Featured Market): I spent almost two weeks at the end of October to get an initial entry signal but no luck. VIX starts November flat. On the plus side, the implication is that stocks will continue to rise.

Note: Technical analysis comments are based on interpretations of non-linear trading models, combined with chart price action.

Premium offers:

  • I am now offering a more a la carte fee system for CTM research. Purchasers can now mix and match signals on various symbols that are currently available. Click on the ‘Fees’ tab for more info.
  • With deflationary forces becoming more dominant, top level, successful, investment strategies are going to become more reliant on ‘activity’ (trading). Check out for trading signals that help!
  • Remember: Nonlinear trading analysis is “insider knowledge” (non-apparent) for standard technical analysis .
  • The post-mortem for the US dollar has been posted. To view it select the “Forex” tab on

GH Garrett – Veteran Market Watcher for  © 2015, “Nonlinear signals that matter in gold trading.”

Dominant Trend is Now Up (TLO)

Model Notes: The bond model changed signal position to “up”  today. This comes after being short for the entire month of October. From a model perspective the, this market has been in a tight trading range and thus tough to call a direction. On the plus side, the model avoided the pitfall of a series of whipsaws that plagues many linear trend following models in these situation. So no: chop, chop, chop. The gold model is still short and waiting for more substantial selloff to develop.

Featured market rotation: Bonds for October (waiving goodbye soon)  VIX for November (looking for a starting signal now). Brazilian real for December. Gold is currently non-rotational.

Model Portfolio Signals: (Gold) Short= 10/20 (TSP=42.76), (Bonds/TLO) Buy =10/27 (TSP= waiting)

Note: TSP is calculated by using the closing price of the trading day after the signal day.

Nonlinear Trading Themes:

  • CTM151027gGold: The yellow metal has been selling off after the 10/20 sell signal but without much gusto. Support is currently at 111 (GLD basis). The current pause on the downside does not look like a classic technical bottom. The model is indicating lower prices. The model gold portfolio is still short.
  • CTM151027bBonds (Oct. Featured Market): The TLO model flipped to “buy” today. The model has been a staunch supporter of a Fed move before the end of the year. But now this has changed. If you look at the dominant monthly trend (bottoms on 10/8, 10/20 and 10/23), it is now pointing upward. So the Fed holds its fire a little longer. What will the country do? The model bond portfolio is now bullish.
  • VIX (Nov. Featured Market) Trading Signals (no chart shown yet): I starting looking for an entry signal recently and simply got non-trending readings. This has been positive for stocks. So far, no buy signal. Stocks should continue up for now. I am still searching for an entry signal.

Note: Technical analysis comments are based on interpretations of non-linear trading models, combined with chart price action.

Premium offers:

  • I am now offering a more a la carte fee system for CTM research. Purchasers can now mix and match signals on various symbols that are currently available. Click on the ‘Fees’ tab for more info.
  • With deflationary forces becoming more dominant, top level, successful, investment strategies are going to become more reliant on ‘activity’ (trading). Check out for trading signals that help!
  • Remember: Nonlinear trading analysis is “insider knowledge” (non-apparent) for standard technical analysis .
  • The post-mortem for the US dollar has been posted. To view it select the “Forex” tab on

GH Garrett – Veteran Market Watcher for  © 2015, “Nonlinear signals that matter in gold trading.”

Can We Breakdown Here? (TLO)

Model Notes: The gold model is changing its position from flat to short. Prices are pretty lofty and the odds seem to favor a pullback of some sort. The bond model (as shown on the TLO) is anticipating lower prices. The upcoming feature market for November is the $VIX. Going forward, I am looking for a pre-November entry to get set up for the action. Currently, we have volatility as flat (which probably is positive for the stock market).

Featured market rotation: Bonds for October. VIX for November. Brazilian real for December. Gold is currently non-rotational.

Model Portfolio Signals: (Gold) Short= 10/20 (TSP=Wait), (Bonds/TLO) Sell =9/24 (TSP= 70.36)

Note: TSP is calculated by using the closing price of the trading day after the signal day.

Nonlinear Trading Themes:

  • CTM151020gGold: The yellow metal took the moonshot and is now pausing. The models issued an outright ‘sell short’ signal tonight. The recent jump has put this market in overbought territory so the change of position feels good. There are several upcoming issues that the gold bulls will have to contend with. US largecaps are pushing higher, an inter-market relationship that is not going to bring gold buyers to the table. The other issue is the looming Fed hike. The models are forecasting higher rates, another strike against the gold bulls. The model gold portfolio is now short.
  • CTM151020bBonds (Oct. Featured Market): The TLO is starting to feel heavy here with a trading high on Oct 2 and a lower high on Oct 14.  A close below the 50-day average may be enough to start the bond bears rolling. The model bond portfolio remains bearish.
  • VIX (Nov. Featured Market) Trading Signals (no chart shown yet): I am looking for a signal to get this set up for trading analysis in November. The most recent signal is a resounding ‘flat’. So I am still searching for a future move to exploit.

Note: Technical analysis comments are based on interpretations of non-linear trading models, combined with chart price action.

Premium offers:

  • I am now offering a more a la carte fee system for CTM research. Purchasers can now mix and match signals on various symbols.  Currently available. Click on the ‘Fees’ tab for more info.
  • With deflationary forces becoming more dominant, top level, successful, investment strategies are going to become more reliant on ‘activity’ (trading). Check out for trading signals that help!
  • Remember: Nonlinear trading analysis is “insider knowledge” (non-apparent) for standard technical analysis .
  • The post-mortem for the US dollar has been posted. To view it select the “Forex” tab on

GH Garrett – Veteran Market Watcher for  © 2015, “Nonlinear signals that matter in gold trading.”

Up, Up, and Away (GLD)

Model Notes: Models are being challenged this week. On the gold front, we closed out a good trade, but the market soared in the aftermath. The simple truism is that you can’t make every nickel. Next we go to bonds. The 9/24 sell signal is still the current position, however bonds continue to creep against it. And the model is not changing. We are expecting a hike of some sort.

Featured market rotation: US Dollar for September (nearing the end) and Bonds for October. VIX for November. Brazilian real for December. Gold is currently non-rotational.

Model Portfolio Signals: (Gold) Exit Long= 10/07 (TSP=109.14), (Bonds/TLO) Sell =9/24 (TSP= 70.36)

Note: TSP is calculated by using the close of the trading day after the signal day.

Nonlinear Trading Themes:

  • CTM151014gGold: The yellow metal (GLD basis) took a moonshot, as US/Russian tensions in the Syria have pretty much chased the sellers away. Leaving money on the table is not a great feeling, but much better to make some and bail than to be caught on the wrong side. So what now? Wait for the model reset and to identify the next trade. The model gold portfolio remains flat.
  • CTM151014bBonds (Oct Featured Market): TLO will not give up the ghost here and drop and this week saw bonds creep higher. There is a lot of speculation as to what the Fed will or will not do. The models do not see a lot of upside here.  The model bond portfolio remains bearish.

Note: Technical analysis comments are based on interpretations of non-linear trading models, combined with chart price action.

Premium offers:

  • I am now offering a more a la carte fee system for CTM research. Purchasers can now mix and match signals on various symbols.  Currently available. Click on the ‘Fees’ tab for more info.
  • With deflationary forces becoming more dominant, top level, successful, investment strategies are going to become more reliant on ‘activity’ (trading). Check out for trading signals that help!
  • Remember: Nonlinear trading analysis is “insider knowledge” (non-apparent) for standard technical analysis .
  • The post-mortem for the US dollar has been posted. To view it select the “Forex” tab on

GH Garrett – Veteran Market Watcher for  © 2015, “Nonlinear signals that matter in gold trading.”

The Waiting Game (TLO)

Model Notes: The gold model is doing well. The recent exit was well north of the entry (TSP to TSP). Following the exit, GLD moved up but there is significant resistance at these levels. Bonds are more problematical. The 9/24 signal (and the resulting poor TSP) has spent 2 weeks “out of the money.” On the plus side, the Oct 2nd downside reversal has capped the rally (remember we are short). The signal still points down, hence the “waiting game” comment.

Featured market rotation: US Dollar for September (nearing the end) and Bonds for October. VIX for November. Brazilian real for December. Gold is currently non-rotational.

Model Portfolio Signals: (Gold) Exit Long= 10/07 (TSP=waiting), (Bonds/TLO) Sell =9/24 (TSP= 70.36)

Note: TSP is calculated by using the close of the trading day after the signal day.

Nonlinear Trading Themes:

  • CTM151012gGold: The yellow metal (GLD basis) is now near a multi-month high not seen since the dark days of the Chinese (followed by the S&P 500) stock market sell-off. But while gold is at these levels again, the S&P 500 is making gains to retrace to pre-crash levels. So being flat is not an unpleasant situation. The model gold portfolio remains flat.
  • CTM151012bBonds (Oct Featured Market): The TLO is higher than the 9/24 TSP level, but not really running away. The model sees higher rates (lower bonds). A logic walk-through goes like this: The Fed wants to do the lone rate hike but has been stymied by recent bad jobs data and “advice” from both the World and IMF (peer pressure). The Fed wants to do the hike as the endless speculation on whether they do it or not has become counter-productive (they promised to do one soon). The recent rally in stocks (aka a prominent leading indicator of the economy) will give them the cover to act. The model bond portfolio remains bearish.

Note: Technical analysis comments are based on interpretations of non-linear trading models, combined with chart price action.

Premium offers:

  • I am now offering a more a la carte fee system for CTM research. Purchasers can now mix and match signals on various symbols.  Currently available. Click on the ‘Fees’ tab for more info.
  • With deflationary forces becoming more dominant, top level, successful, investment strategies are going to become more reliant on ‘activity’ (trading). Check out for trading signals that help!
  • Remember: Nonlinear trading analysis is “insider knowledge” (non-apparent) for standard technical analysis .
  • The post-mortem for the US dollar has been posted. To view it select the “Forex” tab on

GH Garrett – Veteran Market Watcher for  © 2015, “Nonlinear signals that matter in gold trading.”