110.50 Not to Hold

Model Gold Portfolio: Now short (signal 3/16, today is a sell)

CTM150316Technical Read: Gold bears ran out of steam the last 4 trading days, thus giving the appearance of a support level at the 110.50 level (GLD basis). However, the bulls were not able to respond with a bounce and the floor is beginning to feel like a boat taking on too much water. Nonlinear trading analysis readings are not supportive, so the CTM website now expects prices to head lower. The model portfolio is now short.


  • Catalyst 1 – The S&P 500 leapt in today’s trading, possibly on the bad-news-is-good-news (Fed production numbers were weak) principle is in play, against the backdrop of a Fed tightening. Nonlinear trading readings issued a sell on the 12th (about 15pts lower than today’s close). We have to give bigcaps a little more time to sort out the trend. For now, I suspect the rally in equities is not to be believed. Anyway, it is bearish for gold.
  • Bond Trading Signals. I am offering a similar Mummy process for Treasuries. See the “Bond Trading Signals” tab for more info. Currently available.
  • Currency Trading Signals. I am now offering a similar Mummy process for currencies. This service will involve two signal paths, one on the US dollar and the other on a user selected second currency (1+1).The fee will be the same as the bond trading signals. Currently available.

GH Garrett – Veteran Commodity Watcher for Conquer the Mummy .com “Nonlinear signals that matter in gold trading.”