Making the move (SPX)

Model Notes: The S&P model issued a signal today, buying the uptrend on today’s weakness. Gold models are standing pat in flatland. Remember a continuation of the stock rally may not boost gold. We will se the results on this.

March Rotations: Core Gold, Featured: S&P 500.

Model Portfolio Signals: GLD flat, S&P 500 buy on 3/08 (TSP= waiting)

Note: TSP is calculated by using the closing price of the trading day after the signal day. It is more realistic for trading calculations/evaluations.

Nonlinear Trading Themes:

  • CTM160308gGold (Mar core market) Gold is bumping its head on the 122 resistance level (GLD basis). The models are not making a direction call however. Gold stays flat.
  • CTM160308sS&P 500 (Mar feature): Stocks are more interesting here with the models buying in on the daily weakness, in the direction of the trend. Hopefully, the TSP level will even be a little lower, S&P 500 indications are now skyward.

Note: Non linear trading theme comments are based on interpretations of non-linear trading models, combined with chart price action (technical analysis).

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GH Garrett – Veteran Market Watcher for  © 2015-2016, “Nonlinear signals that matter in gold (and wheat)  trading.”